VMWare Esxi
- 1 Esxi - Introduction
- 2 Esxi - Documentation
- 3 Esxi - Prepare
- 4 Esxi - Installation
- 5 Esxi - Update
- 6 Esxi - Configuration
- 7 Esxi - Shell
- 8 Change default page
- 9 Esxi - FTP via SSH
- 10 Esxi - Send mail via SSH
- 11 Esxi - BACKUP via SSH
- 12 Esxi - Add a task to crontab
- 13 Esxi - VM Convertion
- 14 Esxi - VM - mount a disk from remote Windows
- 15 Esxi - VMWare Tools under Linux
- 16 Esxi - VM - Parameters
- 17 Esxi - VM - Error
Esxi - Introduction
VMware ESXi (formerly ESX) is an enterprise-class, type-1 hypervisor developed by VMware for deploying and serving virtual computers. As a type-1 hypervisor, ESXi is not a software application that one installs in an operating system; instead, it includes and integrates vital OS components, such as a kernel.
After version 4.1, VMware renamed ESX to ESXi. ESXi replaces Service Console (a rudimentary operating system) with a more closely integrated OS. ESX/ESXi is the primary component in the VMware Infrastructure software suite.
The name ESX is an abbreviation of Elastic Sky X
ESX runs on bare metal, without running an operating system, unlike other VMware products. It includes its own kernel: A Linux kernel is started first, and is then used to load a variety of specialized virtualization components, including ESX, which is otherwise known as the vmkernel component. The Linux kernel is the primary virtual machine; it is invoked by the service console. At normal run-time, the vmkernel is running on the bare computer, and the Linux-based service console runs as the first virtual machine. VMWare dropped development of ESX at version 4.1, and now uses ESXi, which does not include a Linux kernel.
The vmkernel is a microkernel with three interfaces: hardware, guest systems, and the service console (Console OS).
Esxi - Documentation
https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-server-pubs.html http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/index.jsp
Esxi - Prepare
Esxi - Installation
Esxi - Update
Esxi - Configuration
- auto démarrage
- activer ssh
- ajouter un disque
Esxi - Shell
Change default page
Esxi - FTP via SSH
1] activate ssh on your esxi
2] download ncftp linux files at adress ftp://ftp.ncftp.com/ncftp/binaries/ncftp-3.2.5-linux-x86_64-glibc2.3-export.tar.gz or http://pool.wiki.frogg.fr/images/6/69/Linux_Ncftp-3.2.5-x86_64.tar.gz
- from windows: copy past the url into your web browser
use winrar to extract files
upload bin files to your esxi using SFTP option on a ftp client (SFTP is included in ssh)
- from esxi
temporary disable firewall
esxcli network firewall set --enable false
get ncftp files
wget {Archive.tgz}
create a folder where tar will be extract
mkdir {TargetFolder}
extract them
tar -C {TargetFolder} -xvzf {Archive.tgz}
once extracted you can move the bin folder to where you want
3] in esxi ssh go to the bin folder, find ncftpput (the nftp command to upload file) and add execute rights
chmod +x ncftpput
4] disable temporary firewall (due to passive mode)
esxcli network firewall set --enable false
5] upload your file !
./bin/ncftpput -u {user} -p {pass} -v -z -t 5 -E -P 21 {server} {serverPath} {localFilePath} -v = use progress meter (not really usefull) -z = resume mode -t = timeout in secondes -E = passive mode (-F for active mode) -P = port
if you dont use passive mode, u can disable only ftppart of the firewall with the command: esxcli network firewall ruleset set -r ftpClient -e true
6] enable firewall
once done, set back on your firewall
esxcli network firewall set --enable true
Esxi - Send mail via SSH
Esxi - BACKUP via SSH
Esxi - Add a task to crontab
Edit the file /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh (it is a permanent file, it stay after Esxi reboot)
#add to crontab a task echo "01 00 1,15 * * root /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/script/backupVM.sh" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root #stop crontab process kill $(cat /var/run/crond.pid) #start crontab process crond
don't forget to set the script as executable
chmod +x /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/script/backupVM.sh
Esxi - VM Convertion
Esxi - VM - mount a disk from remote Windows
for information a VM in ESXI 5.1+ is compatible with VM Ware Worstation 9+
NFS mount
esxcli storage nfs remove -v {NFS_Name} esxcli storage nfs add -H {IP} -s {PATH} -v {NFS_Name}
Esxi - VMWare Tools under Linux
In vSphère > Vm > guest > installer VMWare tools this will mount WMWare tools in the cd rom, then
cp /media/cdrom/VMwareTools-9.2.2-893683.tar.gz /usr/local/src
then go to this folder
cd /usr/local/src
Uncompress VMWare tools
tar xzf /usr/local/src/VMwareTools-9.2.2-893683.tar.gz
Then go to the folder extracted
cd /usr/local/src/vmware-tools-distrib/
An launch the installation script
./vmware-install.pl -d
Esxi - VM - Parameters
To unable copy/paste on a VM in VMWare workstation, power off it, then right click to modify its parameters. In the Option tab, click "general" then set
isolation.tools.copy.disable FALSE isolation.tools.paste.disable FALSE
To enable copy/paste on a VM in ESXi, log into ESXI in ssh.
To enable SSH on ESXi Start vSphere client and click on the ESXI Adress, then in the right panel, select configuration. In the left menu, click on profil security (in the sofwtare part). Then click on properties (in services). In the opened window select SSH then start it. SSH in this case will be disabled at the next ESXI reboot.
To Enable copy/paste Once loged in SSH into the ESXI (with putty for exemple), then edit /etc/vmware/config
isolation.tools.copy.disable= "FALSE" isolation.tools.paste.disable= "FALSE"
No need to reboot the ESXI, the changes will be taken at the next VM reboot.
Copy paste will work with text, but not files !
Rename a disk
vmkfstools -E OldFileName.vmdk NewFileName.vmdk
Rename a VM
- remove it from the inventory
- rename the disk with the command
vmkfstools -E {OLD}.vmdk {NEW}.vmdk
- rename the vmx
mv "{OLD}.vmx" "{NEW}.vmx"
- rename the vmdk
mv "{OLD}.vmdk" "{NEW}.vmdk"
- rename the vmxf
mv "{OLD}.vmxf" "{NEW}.vmxf"
- edit {NEW}.vmx change old values to new {OLD}.vmdk & {OLD}.vmxf
- put it back into inventory
Esxi - VM - Error
VM is not starting
In most of case (if the ressources are enought to start it) just recreate the VM keeping the VM disk with the menu add a VM, manually, and select the main HDD of the inaccessible VM
Secondary disk has been removed
error module disk early power on failed
- recreate a dummy disk with the same name
- edit .vmx and remove line linked to the removed disk